Removal of stretch marks through Nanofractional RF laser treatment

Laser Technology and Therapy in Miami

the appearance of stretch marks

Do you have unsightly stretch marks that you want to remove? Well, laser removal of stretch marks may be the perfect solution for you!

Recently most people in South Florida have paid considerable attention to stretch marks removal. Miami region is one of the most popular places to do laser treatment. Because removing these stretch marks allows them to be more comfortable in their skin. After all, who wouldn’t want to be stretch mark-free anyway?

Stretch mark laser removal involves removing stretch marks (striae) through laser skin resurfacing. This procedure aims to remove the outer layer of the skin so that the overlying skin will have a chance to restructure.

Laser skin resurfacing uses different beams of light in concentrated amounts. And these concentrated beams encourage new growth of skin. Although it cannot remove stretch marks, skin resurfacing helps make stretch marks smoother, thus making them unnoticeable.

Suppose you are one of the many people who want to experience skin resurfacing. In that case, Lux Aesthetika offers this laser technology service at a reasonable price. Join the stretch mark-free train by asking us now!

What are stretch marks, and how to get rid of them?

We know what stretch marks look like because we probably have some on our bodies. But, what are stretch marks in the eyes of professionals? Are they just colored marks?

Well, stretch marks are a type of scar that occurs when the skin stretches and then shrinks right away. This quick change results in the elastin and collagen rupturing. While the skin heals, this is when stretch marks appear.

Although having unsightly stretch marks is common, it is essential to note that not everyone gets stretch marks. Most of the time, constantly changing hormone levels take part in developing stretch marks. Genes may also influence the development of these scars.

appearance of stretch marks
the appearance of stretch marks

Stretch marks may also appear during the following periods:

  • Pregnancy
  • Rapid weight gain or weight loss
  • Puberty growth spurts
  • Weight training resulting in muscle growth

Other factors such as applying corticosteroids and having Marfan syndrome or Cushing’s disease may also trigger stretch marks.

Stretch mark colors

If you notice, stretch marks come in different colors and textures. These characteristics will tell you whether a stretch mark is old or new. New stretch marks tend to be slightly raised, itchy, and red or pink. In comparison, older stretch marks are more translucent, white, and just flat or with slight depression.

The color of your striae not only tells its age but also how your body reacts to it. Deep red or purple stretch marks are usually new. As the scar heals, it turns into a pinkish hue. Eventually, the pinkish hue will disappear, and you’ll only see the familiar white lines. It does not arrive at this stage really fast, though, as it will depend on different factors.

Ways to remove stretch marks

Different ways may help in stretch mark removal. These may include:

  • lotions
  • creams
  • gels
  • self-tanners
  • hyaluronic acid
  • tretinoin, and;
  • retinol.

As per professionally-assisted stretch mark treatments, you have the following procedures:

  • microdermabrasion
  • radiofrequency
  • ultrasound
  • a chemical peel, and;
  • laser treatment.

Treatments to remove stretch marks also vary. From topical creams to microneedles, from non-invasive to invasive surgeries. Here are a few things that can help remove stretch marks:

  • exfoliation
  • microdermabrasion
  • microneedling
  • topical stretch mark treatments
  • cosmetic surgery, and;
  • laser therapy

Lux Aesthetika uses the Nanofractional Radio Frequency Laser Therapy technology to treat stretch marks. Bounded in the Venus Viva Apparatus, this technology allows small footprint distribution per pin with varying energy densities in each tip. The different energy densities enable the reduction of hyperpigmentation and make the skin heal faster.

What does the stretch mark removal procedure give, and why is it needed?

the appearance of stretch marks
the appearance of stretch marks

Skin resurfacing is an absolute must if you want your stretch marks removed! You may also do the treatment in basically any place where you have stretch marks! To be specific, here are common treatment areas for skin resurfacing:

  • belly middle layer
  • thighs
  • buttocks, and;
  • lower or upper arms

Not only does skin resurfacing remove your stretch marks. Skin resurfacing could also solve other skin problems such as:

  • deep wrinkles
  • visible pores
  • scars
  • sunspots
  • freckles
  • stretch marks

Indications for stretch marks removal

As mentioned, this treatment is best for clients who have visible signs of skin damage such as:

  • visible pores
  • scars
  • deep wrinkles
  • Freckles
  • sunspots
  • stretch marks

Stretch marks occur because the skin gets stretched and then shrinks back quickly. They are a type of scar; that is why they are permanent. Stretch marks also occur due to different scenarios. Below are common periods when people experience more stretch marks than usual.

Stretch marks after childbirth

Stretch marks after childbirth is a double-edged sword. It may serve as a “trophy,” announcing that mothers have overcome labor. But on the other hand, it may also affect the mother’s self-confidence and perception of her body. These marks also usually do not entirely go away.

Stretch marks usually appear on the belly, upper legs upper arms, or breasts. Along with postpartum blues, stretch marks may not be a good sight and may cause problems to mothers such as:

  • lower self-esteem
  • weak self-confidence
  • body-shaming fears, and;
  • anxiety.

Stretch marks after weight loss

Best results of treatable areas

Stretch marks after weight loss appear because excess skin is stretched and torn from the middle layer. Although skin resurfacing may not altogether remove stretch marks, they may be cured through our clinic’s skin resurfacing treatment.

Stretch marks in a teenager

Stretch marks during the teenage years are entirely normal. These marks indicate significant growth and weight gain that happened during puberty.

Stretch marks in men

Stretch marks also appear on men. Usually, they appear in areas where weight or muscle is gained (e.g., belly, biceps, buttocks for adult men). For adolescent men, stretch marks usually appear in their back, calves, thighs, or buttocks.

Stretch marks on black skin

Stretch marks on black skin are actually more noticeable and more common. Although still not concrete, it is said that people with darker complexions generally get more stretch marks.

If you have a darker complexion, do not worry because we have your back! The misconception that this procedure is only for people with lighter complexions should be gone. It is absolutely possible to do skin resurfacing for people with darker skin tones.

How to treat stretch marks

In our clinic, the Venus Viva Multi-Treatment System is the device used for stretch marks treatment.

Venus Viva makes use of three effective and unique technologies in one device. These technologies are the:

  • Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) with Smart Pulse
  • Nanofractional Radio Frequency (RF) with Smartscan, and;
  • (MP)² Technology.

For stretch mark treatment, Nanofractional RF with Smartscan is used. This technology uses energy distributed in a small footprint per pin at different energy densities per tip. This variation helps in reducing hyperpigmentation, leaving the tissues in between the skin to heal faster.

The Venus Viva Apparatus can also administer other procedures other than skin resurfacing which may help the skin look better.

The device may help in body contouring through cellulite reduction, skin tightening, and wrinkle reduction using (MP)² Technology. Venus Viva also helps in acne treatment, photo facial/photorejuvenation, and laser hair treatments (laser hair removal) with its IPL technology.

When can I do laser stretch mark removal?

Stretch mark treatment is not time or season-sensitive. You may do it in the morning, afternoon, and even at night as long as the clinic is open. There have also been misbeliefs that skin resurfacing cannot be done during the summer. And this is absolutely not true.

This misbelief stemmed from believing that summer may uncover potential damage to the skin after the treatment. But the truth is, you can still do it during the summer, given that you avoid exposing yourself to too much sun. The sun won’t be gone during spring, autumn, and winter, right? So ultimately, sun protection measures are required to avoid sun damage.

Stretch mark treatment through laser skin resurfacing is also not a one-time thing. Usually, clients get 3-4 sessions per area. However, this depends on the client and the treatment area.

You can do the treatment as long as you like. This is because results improve over time. But, the longer you undergo the treatment, the longer you will be asked to come back.

Always make sure to avoid extreme sun exposure after the procedure. Also, ensure that you wear sunscreen for extra protection.

Skin resurfacing results do not appear right away. It needs multiple consistent sessions to finally see results. But, most clients see results after a year of skin resurfacing treatments. Thus, it is advised that treatments be done every 4 weeks.

On the other hand, if you have had Botox and contouring, think twice before doing laser treatment for stretch mark removal. These stretch mark treatments contraindicated skin resurfacing, which might make the results go south. So, it is not advised to do it after the said treatments.

How is the laser stretch mark removal procedure performed?

Dermatologists, estheticians, trained and licensed practitioners can do the stretch mark treatment. Usually, only one person does it as it is a quick procedure.

Although it is non-invasive, anesthesia is still required to lessen the pain. An anesthetic cream shall be applied to the treatment area 30 minutes before the procedure. The application time of anesthesia depends on the size of the treatment area. Then, 30 minutes shall be allotted for the cream to take effect.

When the anesthetic cream has taken effect, the practitioner administering the procedure will start treating your face using the Venus Viva equipment.

One session usually lasts 15-30 minutes, depending on the treatment area.

Combining laser treatment for stretch mark removal with other treatments such as IPL hair removal (laser hair removal) and skin tightening is ideal for enhancing the effect of the treatments. Consult us now so that our professionals can tailor the best treatments to combine with stretch mark treatment.

Results of removing stretch marks

appearance of stretch marks
the appearance of stretch marks

In general, you need just a few sessions. After your last session of stretch marks treatment (usually the 4th), you will see improved results and smoother skin. But, you may need to do a touch-up spaced between 6 months. To see more consistent and better results, you may need to do 2-4 sessions at first. However, the results still depend on the area, the condition of the skin upon treatment, and the person.

After the procedure, you may feel like your skin got sunburnt because of the warm sensation felt in the area. But, this may be eased by exposing the site to cool air or by fanning it. Topical products may be advised by the practitioner to relieve some of the warmth felt. After 24 hours, this sensation typically goes away.

Within 24 hours after the treatment, you may experience swelling or mild redness that can last up to 4 days. This can be covered with makeup, though. Transient acne flares and fine scabbing may also occur, but they are not noticeable.

Usually, after the 24 hour recovery period, your skin goes back to normal. You may put makeup on and proceed to your usual skin routine. Just make sure to always use sunscreen with at least SPF 30 to prevent skin damage.

You should also avoid intense exercise, massages, or hot baths in the treatment area within 2 days after the session. Also, avoid tanning sessions.

The recovery period usually takes around 24 hours. But this may take up to 5 days if the treatment is more aggressive.

Frequently Asked Questions about laser stretch mark removal

Does stretch mark treatment hurt?

Clients who tried stretch mark treatment only report being slightly uncomfortable. Intense heat, close to the feeling of sunburn, will be felt. Your face may also look red after the treatment. If the procedure is more aggressive, you may be advised to get a topical numbing cream to lessen discomfort.

What are the reviews about laser stretch mark removal?

So far, clients of all ages, colors, and stages of life are happy with skin resurfacing results and significantly smoother skin. They say that the procedure is worth the time and money because it treats many problems in just one session. Clients report softer skin, reduced wrinkles and fine lines, firmer, tighter skin, even skin tone, and lessened scarring.

Who did laser stretch mark removal help?

stretch mark treatment has helped clients with damaged skin, especially those that concern texture problems. As mentioned, it does not treat only one skin problem but hits two (or more) birds in one stone.

What are the pros and cons of laser stretch mark removal?

For clients who are afraid to undergo invasive surgeries that involve scalpels and blood, stretch mark treatment is a perfect choice! Being beautiful does not have to be excruciating. This is what the procedure promises, along with minimal to no downtime.

Aside from it being non-invasive, skin resurfacing has the ability to:

  • Make your skin tone more even
  • Tighten your skin
  • Treat scars due to acne
  • Smoothen out wrinkles
  • Treat skin problems that resulted from sun damage
  • Reduce the appearance of visible pores
  • Remove age or brown spots
  • Energize the collagen production
  • Give your skin a beautiful, healthy glow

However, skin resurfacing also has its risks and drawbacks. These problems are more prevalent, especially when the practitioner administering the procedure is not experienced.

Since this procedure relies on laser treatment, more powerful concentrations may negatively affect the skin. This may result in either permanent darkening or lightening of the skin or having cold sores or more scars.

Even with minimal downtime, skin resurfacing still requires a recovery period. Clients may experience redness of the treatment area, which may cause panic. This is because the swelling may worsen first before it is totally gone.

What are the side effects of laser stretch mark removal treatment?

The most notable side effect of stretch mark treatment is the redness on the area after the procedure. This may prompt you to turn back and regret your choice. But trust us, it is a part of the process.

If you have sensitive skin, the clinician may prescribe you some creams to lessen the swelling.

What is harmful to stretch marks removal?

Generally, any hot or humid environment may affect the results of the treatment. Especially if the heat comes from the sun or other harmful sources such as solariums.

If you are an outgoing person, you may have to schedule your trips ahead. Or, learn alternate ways to arrive at your destination without being too exposed under the sun. Always apply sunscreen before you go and then reapply around noon or after you sweat.

Can it be used for children?

If your child suffers from mental health problems due to skin deformities, you may opt for this procedure. After all, the main goal of skin resurfacing is to transform your skin. Just make sure to have a doctor’s go signal before doing it. Parental guidance and a guided decision are also a must.

Is it possible to sunbathe or use a solarium immediately after the procedure?

No. You have to wait for around two months before exposing your skin under the sun or in a solarium. Exposure to these may cause changes in your skin pigment that may be untreatable.

What is the difference between laser stretch mark removal and skin rejuvenation?

Stretch mark treatment is all about removing the top layer of the skin to reveal new skin underneath. Acids, creams, or laser treatments are used to remove damaged skin cells on your skin’s surface.

Meanwhile, skin rejuvenation leans more on anything that would make your skin look better. These include skin treatments, skincare products, and other in-house procedures. So, basically, skin resurfacing is a type of skin rejuvenation.

Which is better: laser stretch mark removal or chemical peels?

Both treatments have one goal. And it is to improve skin imperfections to give you a better look. Both also remove the outer layer of the skin that is full of damaged cells. But to answer this question, it really depends on what your skin really needs.

Skin resurfacing is better if you have more problems regarding wrinkles, scars, or pigmentation. This is because skin resurfacing treats your skin deeply, even stimulating collagen production. Studies show that laser skin resurfacing results in 40% tighter skin. This treatment is also more precise than chemical peels.

Results of skin resurfacing take faster to see than chemical peels (around 3 to 5 days). But arguably, it is also more expensive than chemical peels.

On the other hand, chemical peels are better if you only have superficial fine lines or wrinkles to treat on different areas of your face. This is because chemical peels treat your whole face, thus, improving your overall look.

In terms of results, chemical peels depend on the peels themselves. If it is only a light peel, you may see results as early as 2 to 3 weeks. If the medium peel is used, your wrinkles may be gone for 2 to 4 months.

Laser stretch mark removal: when can I do it?

You can do it anytime as long as our clinic is open! But to both our convenience, make sure to book an appointment first before your visit.

How is laser stretch mark removal done, and how does it happen?

The practitioner will use a device called the Venus Viva Apparatus to assist with the treatment. They will “scan” it on the area of treatment, where light energy is continuously pulsed.

Warmth may be felt during the treatment. So, local anesthesia is administered to lessen the pain.

Do you need a doctor’s consultation before the procedure?

Generally, skin resurfacing is a safe procedure for people with no chronic or current conditions. So, it is not required for you to consult a doctor. If a doctor’s clearance may provide you peace of mind, you may do so.

What are the advantages of combining laser stretch mark removal with laser skin tightening?

The combination of these two treatments will enhance the results. Skin resurfacing removes the appearance of your stretch marks. Laser skin tightening prevents other marks from forming in the future. The latter allows loose skin to tighten, so there is no room for stretching and shrinking that forms stretch marks.

What are the advantages of the combination of laser stretch mark removal, laser skin tightening, and stem cell therapy

Because both treatments, skin resurfacing and skin tightening, use lasers, tissues may be overwhelmed with the heat. Thus, combining it with stem cell therapy allows your skin to rejuvenate, preventing deep damage.

Contraindications of laser stretch mark removal

Clients with special conditions such as cancer or pregnancy are not advised to undergo stretch mark treatment through laser skin resurfacing. But if you really want to try it, make sure to get clearance from your doctor before undergoing any treatment.

You are not advised to undergo skin resurfacing if you are/have:

  • a pacemaker or other electrical implant in your body
  • active conditions such as rashes
  • injectables or permanent implant in the treatment area
  • dehydrated skin
  • a history of skin diseases
  • cancer currently or a history of it
  • a history of pre-malignant moles
  • serious chronic conditions
  • nursing or pregnant
  • impaired immune system
  • history of diseases that can be stimulated by heat (ex. herpes)
  • endocrine disorders such as diabetes that are poorly maintained
  • prescribed with blood thinners
  • eyelid or facelift surgery during the last 3 months
  • had any cosmetic injectables over the previous 2 weeks
  • had chemical peels or other resurfacing treatments in the last 3 months
  • has surgeries since the previous 6 months
  • taken Tylenol, Advil, or anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs during the previous week
  • current treatments on tattoos
  • permanent makeup
  • overly tanned

Stretch marks removal Miami: prices

Laser stretch mark removal starts at $219 in Lux Aesthetika in Miami, South Florida. This applies to a 5×5 area. Prices vary depending on the treatment area and the condition of stretch marks. So, best if you consult us first to estimate possible costs.

If you purchase different treatments from us, you may also get a discount! Just check it with our administrators or see the Promotions and Discounts section on our website.

So far, we offer discounts on PMU, microblading, and microneedling to senior citizens (65 years old and above). We also hold promotions all year round for different treatments. Make sure to like our social media accounts to keep posted on these promos!

Final Conclusion

Lux Aesthetika in Miami Bay Harbor, Florida, will help you solve your stretch marks problem. We understand that these scars may negatively affect your well-being. Thus, we are here to help you with your self-love journey.

Now that you know more about stretch mark treatment, we hope you take this as a sign to start planning. Lux Aesthetika is willing to assist you with your stretch marks concerns.

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